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Thursday, October 24

8:20am EDT

Creating Culturally Relevant Math Tasks–Not as Hard as You Think!
Thursday October 24, 2024 8:20am - 9:20am EDT
All students should have the opportunity to see themselves represented in the curriculum materials they use. Teachers who use culturally relevant math tasks challenge the negative stereotypes in society about who is–and who isn’t mathematically smart. In this session, participants will learn the process of creating culturally relevant tasks for the students in their math classrooms.
avatar for Pamela Seda

Pamela Seda

Owner, Seda Educational Consulting
Seda Educational Consulting, LLC was founded by Dr. Pamela Seda, co-author of Choosing to See: A Framework for Equity in the Math Classroom.  Dr. Seda is a qualified equity expert who has extensive experience in supporting equitable learning environments in diverse educational settings... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 8:20am - 9:20am EDT

9:40am EDT

Exploring Language Demands in Math Instruction for English Learners
Thursday October 24, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
What are the "language demands" in math instruction and how can we identify and address them for English language learners? This session explores the linguistic complexities, beyond just vocabulary, that are embedded in math content, word problems, tasks, and assessments. Participants will learn techniques to deconstruct and make visible the language demands that can hinder comprehension, especially for newcomers and beginning English learners. Leave equipped with an approach to deliver comprehensible, rigorous, and equitable math lessons while maintaining the integrity of the mathematical concepts.
Thursday October 24, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Global Mathematics Narratives: Bridging Cultures in the Classroom
Thursday October 24, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
This workshop introduces Global Math Stories (GMS), a free resource offering real-world mathematical scenarios from diverse cultures. It begins with a demonstration lesson using GMS, guiding participants in exploring global connections in mathematics education. Participants then brainstorm classroom applications of a selected GMS, followed by a session for creating and sharing their own GMS-based lessons. The workshop emphasizes cultural exploration and practical mathematics, enriching traditional teaching with global narratives and collaborative learning experiences.
avatar for Chadd McGlone

Chadd McGlone

Co-Founder, Mathkind Global
What does it mean for a teacher to be present in the classroom? How can I math class a world adventure? What about this AI?
Thursday October 24, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

State-Level Efforts for Data Science & Literacy Education
Thursday October 24, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Data is everywhere, and the AI revolution is only further proving the need for mathematics experiences that prepare students for an increasingly data-fueled world. What are states doing to promote data science & literacy education? Join us for a report-out from a new regional effort between New Hampshire and other northeastern states to ensure our students are prepared for the 21st centtury, along with updates from the national landscape.
Thursday October 24, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

10:45am EDT

Building Thinking Practices in our Math Classrooms: early elementary through middle school
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT
This is an outgrowth of a book study of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics sponsored by the Maine Math and Science Alliance in 2022. This will be a panel presentation consisting of three teachers, grades 2, 5, and 7/8, an administrator, and Hannah Lakin of the Maine Math and Science Alliance. The focus will be on changes in our practice as we come to the close of our second year employing, and refining, these practices.
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT

10:45am EDT

Every Student Deserves a Gifted Education: Fostering Competence and Confidence in Students with 7 Essential Atributes
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT
Drawing from the foundational principles of "Every Student Deserves a Gifted Edcuation," this keynote will spark reflection on seamlessly integrating the 7 Essential Attributes into daily interactions with stduents. As Brian navigates Persisting, Precise Thinking and Communication, Self-Control, Empathy, Curiosity, Thinking Flexibly, Optimism and Hope, educators will gain practical insights derived directly from Brian's book. This engaging keynote empowers educators to reflect and to make a tangible impact on student's lives. Brian will explore how cultivating these essential atributes aligns with awakening student agency - encouraging students to take an active role in their learning journey.
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT

10:45am EDT

Rehumanizing Data Meetings by Centering Student Reflections
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT
What does a math data meeting look like when we use student reflection data, rather than sort our students into red, yellow, and green categories? How can we use street data about students’ experiences and beliefs about math class to transform our instruction? This is one district’s story of the power and simplicity of rehumanizing data meetings, an experience of what those meetings could look and feel like, and an invitation to try it yourself.
Thursday October 24, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT

12:30pm EDT

Balomenos Honorary Session: Effective Teaching and Assessment Practices are Necessary Conditions to Foster Culture and Student Agency
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT
In 2010, Dan Meyer gave a Ted Talk called, “Math Class Needs a Makeover”.  In 2014, NCTM published Principles to Actions.  More recently, books like Necessary Conditions and Building Thinking Classrooms have emerged as excellent and practical resources to help guide teachers to create classrooms where students are engaged, challenged and supported. Classrooms like these foster student agency because they establish a culture where students feel safe and receive more “voice and choice” over their learning experience.

Rob Lukasiak

Mathematics Coach and Consultant
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT

12:30pm EDT

Culturally & Linguistically Responsive (CLR) Routines for the Math Classroom
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT
Want to get your students up and moving and talking about math? This session will cover multiple culturally and linguistically responsive (CLR) protocols to use in your classroom. It will be interactive and immerse participants in problems using the protocols as if they were students. The focus will be on Attention Signals, Movement Activities, and Response Protocols all designed to validate and affirm the students' cultural backgrounds and help them build and bridge capacity for being successful in school. Middle school examples will be utilized but the protocols are transferrable to any grade. All protocols are based on Hollie's book, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning.
avatar for Rachel Saunders

Rachel Saunders

MS STEM Dept Head, Danbury Public Schools
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT

12:30pm EDT

Finding Math Joy
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT
What precedes moments of math joy? How do we understand, foster, and recognize those moments? In this session we share how we integrated Design Thinking and Universal Design for Learning to center teachers' voices. Taking teachers' perspectives into account to plan for professional learning that would recognize moments of joy in math class. We will discuss factors that surround math joy and reflect on the elements of learning environments that promote and celebrate those moments.
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT

12:30pm EDT

Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities: Understanding the Past and Present to Shape a New Future
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT
The disability rights movement is known as the last civil rights movement to enter the twenty-first century. While more than 13% of Americans have a disability (Houtenville, 2023), students are still facing discrimination and segregation in educational settings. Most students with disabilities spend a majority of the day in separate classrooms, away from their peers and general education teachers. However, research shows that inclusive education has social and academic benefits for both students with and without disabilities (Saunders & Wakemann, 2019). One of the many barriers to inclusive education is a lack of general education teacher training surrounding disability (Mader, 2017). As we move toward a more inclusive system, I aim to address the need for educator training and confidence with a multi-module professional development resource bank, titled: Inclusive Practices for Students with Disabilities: Improving Outcomes for All. First-hand experiences and research-based evidence were used to create each section. Module topics include the history of disability and schooling, humanizing disability, disability culture, Universal Design for Learning, future planning, and assistive technology. This talk will provide both justification for the importance of professional development in inclusive education as well as an overview of the professional development module topics. Attendees will have open access to the module resources discussed.
avatar for Catherine Dennis

Catherine Dennis

Mathematics Education Ph.D. Candidate, University of New Hampshire
I am a Ph.D. candidate, instructor of record, TA, and Mathematics Education Researcher at the University of New Hampshire. My current research explores undergraduate mathematics students’ personal device utilization through an equity lens. I explore this topic through multiple... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 12:30pm - 1:20pm EDT

1:40pm EDT

Finding the Joy in Math When You Have Math Anxiety
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT
How do we show students with math anxiety the joy in math? How can we include interventions for math anxiety in our teaching? This session will explore ways to combat math anxiety and bring back the joy from a former math hater.
avatar for Heidi Sabnani

Heidi Sabnani

Consultant, heidisabnani.com
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:40pm EDT

Reframing the Classroom: Spiraling Curriculum and Portfolio Based Assessment
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT
Have your students ever struggled to recall information that you taught in your first unit? Come and learn how to create an equitable classroom environment that builds on students’ knowledge through both spiral curriculum and portfolio-based assessment - which centers student voice and choice. In this interactive session, participants will sort learning targets into spirals and explore uses of single-point rubrics. While we will use middle school examples, all teachers are welcome!
avatar for Kyle Ferreira van Leer

Kyle Ferreira van Leer

K-12 Math Specialist, Coventry Public Schools
My name is Kyle Ferreira van Leer (he/him/his) and I began my teaching career in the middle school math classroom. I taught 7th and 8th grade math for 8 years, working in Title I schools. For those 8 years, I worked primarily with migrant students from Central/South America (in Chelsea... Read More →
Thursday October 24, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT

2:45pm EDT

Celebrating 10 Years of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All!
Thursday October 24, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm EDT
For ten years, Principles to Actions has served as a foundation and blueprint for all educators for providing high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student. Let’s celebrate the ten-year impact this publication has had on teaching and learning of mathematics and discuss how educators can continue to use this resource to make math accessible for ALL learners.  
Thursday October 24, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm EDT
Friday, October 25

8:15am EDT

Start With The Crown, Not with the Kid: Moving School Culture from Pity to Promise
Friday October 25, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am EDT
Great teachers hold above the head of their students, a crown they challenge them to grow tall enough to wear. Engaging collaborative teams is a powerful combination of mindset and practice that should be embedded in the DNA of every school’s culture. In Start With The CROWN, Ken Williams makes clear what instructional equity looks like in practice, how it works in concert with RTI, and delivers on the promise of high levels of learning for all students. Learners will leave understanding how to move equity from ambiguous to actual; from theory to practice!
avatar for Ken Williams

Ken Williams

Chief Visionary Officer, Unfold The Soul
Kenneth C. Williams shares his experience and expertise as a nationally recognized trainer, speaker, coach and consultant in leadership and school culture. A practitioner for nearly three decades, Ken led the improvement efforts at two schools by leveraging the Professional Learning... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 8:15am - 9:15am EDT

9:40am EDT

It's Time We Fix The Leaky Roof (And Stop Looking For More Buckets)
Friday October 25, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
Professional development has been broken for decades - and will continue to be broken until we disrupt the institutional norms that erode teacher agency. I'm inviting all of us - classroom teachers and those who support their learning - to embark on a journey to create the teacher-centered culture of professional learning we need to thrive as imperfect and unfinished teachers. It's time that we learn how to direct our own professional growth, individually and collectively, so we can seize control of our teaching legacy and the math stories we leave behind in this world.
avatar for Chase Orton

Chase Orton

Friday October 25, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

9:40am EDT

Shifting from Learning Math to Doing Math - The Power of SMP 4
Friday October 25, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT
What does it mean to model WITH math? How is it that different from modeling the math in word problems? And why does it matter? In this session, we help to clarify the often confusing language of Mathematical Practice #4, and explore how we can harness students’ curiosity and use mathematics to explore questions and problems from the world outside our classrooms.
Friday October 25, 2024 9:40am - 10:30am EDT

10:45am EDT

Cultural Competency: Providing Equitable Math Instruction Through Cultural Relevance - Sponsored by Savvas Learning Company
Friday October 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT
Scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress suggest that if current educational practices in math classrooms remain the same, the achievement gap between Caucasians and African descent learners will be eliminated by around 217 years. To close the academic achievement gap for all students, teachers must be equipped with methods to conduct equitable instruction that is culturally relevant.

In this session, attendees will learn methods for providing cultural relevance within specific academic settings. Participants will be empowered with strategies that will engage students in a relevant manner as well as acquire pedagogy, perspective, and practices to implement in the math classroom.
avatar for Dr. India White

Dr. India White

Co-author/TEDx Speaker, Big Ideas Learning
Dr. India White is a TEDx speaker, national educational consultant, author of 45+ books, and co-author for Big Ideas Learning/National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. India is a 3-time graduate of the University of Florida, majoring in math, educational leadership and educational... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT

10:45am EDT

How We Grade in a Thinking Classroom
Friday October 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT
Chapter 14 of Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classrooms focuses on how we can effectively grade students in a thinking classroom. Here, we will explore why it is imperative to redesign the traditional grading process while also learning how to transition from points based grading to standards based grading in a painless fashion. In addition, participants will be given a specially made Google Sheet that automates the outcomes based grading process the way Peter describes in his text.
avatar for Tim Brzezinski

Tim Brzezinski

MS + HS Math Teacher, New Haven Public Schools
Friday October 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT

10:45am EDT

What is YOUR question? Creating positive change through the power of the right questions
Friday October 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT
Are you working on increasing focus on grade-content, working to disrupt unproductive mindsets and practices that inhibit learning, and/or striving to achieve more equitable instructional practices? Brave and bold educators ask good questions that help to create momentum and move work forward. Come to this session to consider how the seemingly simple act of asking thoughtful and intentional questions of yourself, your colleagues, and varied stakeholders drives meaningful change for students.
Friday October 25, 2024 10:45am - 11:35am EDT

12:30pm EDT

Designing from the Margins; UDL + Math
Friday October 25, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT
In complex times, how can we design math experiences that provide access for all students in our classrooms? Universal Design for Learning offers a way to design from the margins, looking for ways to reduce barriers for all students. Dr. Lambert will share the research that led to UDL Math, a version of UDL that is specifically designed for mathematics classrooms. Instead of designing based on student deficits, we will investigate beginning with strengths using neurodiversity. We will explore how design and creativity are central to making math classrooms work for students at the margins, particularly students with disabilities and/or multilingual learners.  

Rachel Lambert

University of California Santa Barbara
Friday October 25, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT

1:40pm EDT

An Exit Slip is Too Late: Reconceptualizing Formative Assessment to Privilege Student Thinking
Friday October 25, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT
This session will provide participants with an opportunity to create shared understanding around the term formative assessment. It will highlight why most of what is referred to as formative assessment gives teachers the information they need long after it is most useful to impact student learning. Additionally,participants will learn which practices are most effective at making the thinking of all students in the class visible and why this is critical in shaping the teacher's response.
Friday October 25, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:40pm EDT

Ruthless Equity: Creating a Culture of Belonging
Friday October 25, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT
In this session, participants will discover the critical role of belonging in ensuring equity for all. Learners will also experience the difference between diversity and belonging and learn a strategy they can implement immediately to deepen belonging for the students/staff they serve.
avatar for Ken Williams

Ken Williams

Chief Visionary Officer, Unfold The Soul
Kenneth C. Williams shares his experience and expertise as a nationally recognized trainer, speaker, coach and consultant in leadership and school culture. A practitioner for nearly three decades, Ken led the improvement efforts at two schools by leveraging the Professional Learning... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:40pm EDT

Seeing Grading in a Thinking Classroom in Action
Friday October 25, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT
This is a follow-up session to How We Grade in a Thinking Classroom. Here, we will address specific challenges teachers face when starting to put outcomes-based grading into practice (the way Peter Liljedahl describes in Building Thinking Classrooms), and we will explore practical solutions to these. We will also carry out a simulation that dynamically shows this style of outcomes-based grading being put into practice.
avatar for Tim Brzezinski

Tim Brzezinski

MS + HS Math Teacher, New Haven Public Schools
Friday October 25, 2024 1:40pm - 2:30pm EDT

2:45pm EDT

Centering Student Voice and Discourse - Sponsored by Savvas Learning Company
Friday October 25, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm EDT
Often, math discussions are centered on one teacher and just a few students. Let's shift the focus and work to create classrooms where all voices are heard and hold value in mathematics discussions. Come play with some math ideas and learn how to ask the right questions, listen to how students really talk and listen to each other, and work to create math classrooms that honor the agency of each and every student.
Friday October 25, 2024 2:45pm - 3:45pm EDT
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